Friday, July 13, 2012

Review: Whispers of Murder by Cheryl Bradshaw


It was Isabelle Donnelly’s wedding day, a moment in time that should have been the happiest in her life…until it ended it murder.
Three women, three motives to kill:
--A jealous sister
--A company CFO
--A newfound friend
But which one is plotting against her? Which one wants her dead?

Think you know who did it? Think again.

(From Goodreads)

My Review
Oh this book was fun. It is a short read, just under a hundred pages. In it, a woman on the morning after her wedding awakens to find her new husband lying dead beside her. Everyone in Isabelle's family had a reason to hate him, could one of them be responsible for his death or could there be some other reason that he was murdered? 

I was completely engrossed in the novella and couldn't put it down until it was done. The ending was a complete surprise.

Cheryl Bradshaw has a knack for weaving a story that keeps you guessing and when you think you know who the murderer is, you are wrong. The book is filled with witticism's and great lines and was a pure pleasure to read. My absolute favourite line comes from Chapter 13; "Roland tilted back in his Laz-E-Boy recliner and watched his wife and daughters dote on him like lionesses tending to a newborn cub." I love that line and the book is just filled with fabulous lines like that. A truly good read.

Just on a side note, the book is available July 13 & 14th, 2012 on Amazon Kindle for free here: Whispers of Murder I would seriously consider giving it a read.

You can also follow Cheryl Bradshaw on Twitter @cherylbradshaw or check out her website

Rating: 4 stars out of 5
Reviewed by: Jessica

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